Home Художникам Cheltenham Illustration Awards 2012

Cheltenham Illustration Awards 2012

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Снимок экрана 2012-03-25 в 16.56.12

Дедлайн: 1 июня 2012

Задача участников конкурса - визуальная интерпретация темы "Истории магических предметов" ("Tales of Magical objects"). Иллюстрация может быть выполнена в любой технике, в любом жанре и стилистике. Отправной точкой в работе с изображением должны быть примеры экспонатов с выставки "Amulets and Charms" в Pitt Rivers Museumа Oxford (Англия). Виртуальный тур по выставке можно совершить на сайте музея - http://www.prm.ox.ac.uk/virtualtour.html#. Принимаются работы от коллективов, так и индивидуальные иллюстрации. К участию допускаются авторы старше 16 лет. Главный приз: Apple iMac, второе место - £500. Участие в конкурсе платное. The Awards are administrated by the University of Gloucestershire, UK An exhibition will be held in Autumn 2012 on behalf of the University of Gloucestershire. The competition is in association with the Oxford University Museums of Natural History and Pitt Rivers. Specifucally the starting point for narrative should stem from their collection of Amulets and Charms.

The Oxford Museums have requested that the subject matter should not include human remains, e.g skulls, mummies, shrunken heads, and such subject matter will not be accepted for the competition.

The selected winners work will be showcased at the exhibition along with other commended images, and published in the Annual which will be distributed free to institutions and industry publishers.

Student prize: Apple iMac computer, Runner up prize Ј500

Emerging talent prize : Ј1000. Runner up Ј500 

Up to five entries per person will be allowed Entries will not be returned

Contact address: The CIA, University of Gloucestershire, Hardwick Campus, St. Paul's Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 4BS

Entries will not be accepted without entry fee (2012 fee Ј12.50 per entry), paid online or by cheque The University of Gloucestershire reserves the right to cancel the event should sufficient entries not be received for this competition Artwork must be supplied digitally on CD-Rom.

All submissions should be clearly marked with your name and contact details in permanent pen File format: JPEG high quality (10 or above) Include an A4 printout of the image for administration purposes Printable size of artwork: Up to A3 at 300ppi

Judging of entries will take place in August by a professional committee, winners will be notified by telephone and email in early September.

Официальная страница конкурса: http://www.cheltenham-illustration-awards.com/

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