Wiki Loves Monuments Photo Contest


Дедлайн: 30 сентября 2012

Wiki Loves Monuments- это международный фотоконкурс, тема которого - культурное монументальное наследие . Впервые конкурс проводился в Нидерландах в 2010, в 2011 был организован на европейском уровне, а в 2012 он переходит на мировой уровень! В каждой участвующей в конкурсе стране вы можете выиграть награды, жюри страны определит наилучшие и передаст международному жюри, которое и определит лучшие фото монументов в 2012 году.


Главный приз - фото-тур в Гон-Конг с посещением Викимании, ежегодного съезда (максимальная стоимость 2000 евро) Кроме этого, в качестве призов будут вручаться ваучеры стоимостью от 400 евро (второй приз) до 50 евро (10й приз)

Победители определяются экспертной комиссией
Участие в конкурсе бесплатное.

Wiki Loves Monuments is an international photo contest around cultural heritage monuments in September. Starting from the Netherlands in 2010 and organized on a European level in 2011, we go global in 2012!
Everybody can participate and improve Wikipedia in their local and regional neigbourhood. Cultural heritage is everywhere around you, you just need to look and learn!
In every participating country you can win awards, and the best photos in each country continues to the international jury – which will select the best monument photos in 2012.
Make sure to keep track of this blog for more information, updates and glimpses how things are going in other countries!

National awards

Wiki Loves Monuments is a federative contest, and therefore each contestant is able to win prizes in their respective national contest. Please take a look at these more specific websites for more details. You can find a list of the national contests in the sidebar to the right of the page.

International contest

The national juries will nominate photos for the international contest, which has its own jury and awards. The main prize will be a photo trip to Hong Kong, connected to a visit to Wikimania, the annual meeting where Wikimedians from all over the world meet each other, with a maximum value of 2000 euro! Besides that there will be a number of photography-related vouchers, ranging from 400 euro worth (second prize) to 50 euro worth (tenth prize).

The distribution of these awards is determined by the principle that the first prize winner will have the first choice from the prizes, and so on – to ensure that every prize winner gets the prize he or she would like the most. Prizes are not exchangeable for money.

Special awards

This year, there will be also a special award for the best photo of a gallery, library, archive or a museum building (the GLAM category), awarded and sponsored by Europeana, the European federation of organisations active in the field of European heritage; pictures from all around the world are eligible for that prize.

Официальная страница конкурса:

Tags: september