Премия Шпильмана


Снимок экрана 2012-08-07 в 18.11.06


Дедлайн: 1 сентября 2012

Конкурс на грант проводиться при поддержке двух организаций: института Шпильмана и Израильского музея. Грант составляет 45 000$, выдается частями на реализацию большого фотопроекта, исследования, несущего практические цели, влияющие на общество.

Участие в конкурсе на грант бесплатное.


Applications to the Shpilman Prize have to conform strictly to the terms set by the regulations. The proposed research projects should be of a practical nature and involve a strong theoretical basis. The combination of photographic theory and practice should be at the core of any submission.

The Pre-Selection Committee:
The Israel Museum will convene a pre-selection committee of three members to review and screen all applications for adequacy and ensure their compliance with the regulations, compatibility and relevance, and to select those to be submitted to the final jury.

The Jury:
The jury will consist of an international group of well-known professionals. It will be chaired by a representative of the Israel Museum, together with two Israeli and two international personalities, experts in the fields of art and photography.
Consequently, a different jury will be convened every two years for each subsequent prize. The jury will meet in the fall of every second year in Jerusalem and the winner will be announced before the end of the same year.
A detailed protocol of the selection process and deliberations will be kept for the archives of the prize; however these will not be made public. Members of the jury will not have to justify their decision.

The Prize:
Except for very special reasons, the Prize in the amount of $45,000 cannot be divided.
The prize will be remitted to the recipient in three installments, a third upon announcement, at the award ceremony, a third half way along the project, subject to the submission of a progress report, and the last portion upon completion and submission of the final material. The full amount of the prize will have to be applied by the recipient entirely to the creation and completion of the research project for which it is awarded. All additional expenses for publication and/or possible exhibition will be borne by the Israel Museum through the support of the Shpilman Institute for Photography. It is in the jury’s discretion not to award the prize if a suitable proposal could not be selected. In this case the prize will be transferred to the following year.

All applications should be in English only and include:
- A duly completed application form signed by the candidate and validated by the nominator as to its accuracy. The applicant will confirm in writing that his proposal is an original idea exclusively presented to the Shpilman Photography Prize and has not been submitted previously or concurrently to any other prize, grant, venue, or similar purpose.
- The nomination text should be of no more than 500 words by a recognized nominator, an authority in the fields of art and/or photography or cultural or academic institution with supporting arguments as to the q1ualifications of the candidate and the importance and validity of the proposed project explaining the nominator’s recommendation.
- A concise biography of the candidate’s professional background, studies, exhibitions, publications, grants and prizes received.
- An explanatory brief of no more than 1000 words by the candidate outlining the project presented for the award. The candidate must agree to finish the project by December 2014 at the latest, for catalogue publication deadline and the creation of the exhibition if applicable. This document must be signed by the candidate.
- Candidates shall submit a selection of 10-25 photographs (no larger than 16”x20” 40x50cm), referring both to their past work, and if applicable, preparatory sketches for their future project, as well as published material e.g. books, articles, and/or other relevant printed material. It is preferable not to send digital material.
- The Israel Museum will not be held responsible for the loss of submissions in transit. At the end of the judging process all unused supporting materials will be returned to the candidates. The application forms and other relevant information will be kept for the archives of the prize. Submissions should also include a self-addressed envelope for the return of the material.
- Any employees or persons presently affiliated with the members of the jury, with the Israel Museum and/or the Shpilman Art and Culture Foundation are not allowed to apply for the prize, or be nominators and any such candidacies will automatically be disqualified.
Print application form

Time Frame:
1. Upon the announcement of the prize in January 2012, applications should be sent to the Israel Museum and reach their destination no later than September 1, 2012.
The destination address should read as follows:
The Shpilman Prize
Noel and Harriette Levine Department of Photography
The Israel Museum
P. O. Box 71117
Jerusalem, 91710
Correspondence for additional information may be sent to the same address or e-mailed to:
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2. The Jury will convene during the month of October, 2012.
3. The winner will be announced by the end of November 2012.
4. The award ceremony will take place in Jerusalem at the end of the same year (exact date to be announced).
5. The project will have to be concluded and the results submitted to the Israel Museum by December 31, 2014.
6. The publication and/or exhibition will be realized in the course of 2015.

Официальная страница премии: http://www.imj.org.il/shpilmanprize/Regulations.html

Источник: http://fotodepartament.ru/

Tags: september