PhotoPhilanthropy Activist Awards



Дедлайн: 1 ноября 2012

The PhotoPhilanthropy Activist Awards определит выдающуюся работу, сделанную совместно с некоммерческими организациями. PhotoPhilanthrophy верит в то, что фотография способна укрепить надежду, улучшить взаимопонимание и объединить людей во всем мире. Работа должна быть представлена в виде фото-эссе, а фотографии должны отображать работу благотворительных организаций.


Гран-при для фотографа- профессионала - $15 000

Гран-при для фотографа- любителя -$2 000

Гран-при для фотографа- студента -$2 000

Все представленные работы будут также рассматриваться на предмет включения их в выставочную программу PhotoPhilanthropy. Победители определяются экспертной комиссией
Участие в конкурсе бесплатное.


PhotoPhilanthrophy believes in the power of photography to inspire hope and understanding and to connect people around the world. All subjects photographed should be treated with respect, compassion and dignity. PhotoPhilanthropy reserves the the right to reject any submission based on quality, content or theme. All submissions will be reviewed by the PhotoPhilanthropy team for accuracy of information. Written essays may be edited for clarity.
Submitted photos must depict the work of a charitable organization (designated by 501(c)3 in the US, or international equivalent) and be presented as a photo essay. All photographs in the essay must have been taken within the last 3 years. Photographers may enter two essays in the same year. The two essays may be of work with the same non-profit but they must be about a different subject matter. An essay entered in a previous year of the competition may not be re-entered (this includes re-editing of a previous entry).
For all submissions, collaboration with the charitable organization will be verified.  For this reason it is mandatory to submit a contact name and email of the person you worked with at the organization. You will also need to provide a letter from the organization on their letterhead verifying your collaboration. You will upload this letter to your submission form when prompted.
Upon completion of review, accepted photo essays will be posted on the PhotoPhilanthropy website. We will inform you by email when they have been posted.

Activist Awards Prizes

The top photo essays will be awarded
Professional Photographer: $15,000 Grand Prize
Amateur Photographer: $2,000 Grand Prize
Student Photographer: $2,000 Grand Prize
Two finalists in each category will also be announced.


Photo essays must be entered into one of four categories:
Professional Photographer: Any individual who earns the majority of their living from photography.
Amateur Photographer: Any individual who does not earn the majority of their income from photography.
Student Photographer: Any current student with less than two years of professional work including internships.

Submission Details – Professional

Submissions must be comprised of a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 10 photos. Each photo requires a caption of up to 150 characters. Your entry must also include two short written statements, both having a maximum of 250 words. We suggest you proofread and keep a copy of your written essay and captions. That way, if you need to resubmit due to an error you won’t lose your material.
Please describe the mission of your featured organization and the specific aspect of the organization your photo essay portrays. Tell us why you chose this particular organization and describe the impact the work had on you and the organization. You may include how your work has helped the non-profit and/or the larger community (i.e. raise awareness, funding, etc.).
PhotoPhilanthropy is interested in how your work is being used by you and/or the non-profit to effect positive social change. Please describe how this work is being used and distributed (i.e. website, printed materials, exhibitions, books, in the press, etc.). Please include links. Have there been results? What do you plan to do with the award prize if you win? You may include an outline for a future project with a non-profit partner.
This written statement will be published on the PhotoPhilanthropy website along with your photo essay. Please note that PhotoPhilanthropy reserves the right to edit all material posted to our site.

Submission Details – Amateur and Student

Submissions must be comprised of a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 10 photos. Each photo requires a caption of up to 150 characters. Your entry must also include a short written statement, having a maximum of 250 words. We suggest you proofread and keep a copy of your written essay and captions. That way, if you need to resubmit due to an error you won’t lose your material.
Please describe the mission of your featured organization and the specific aspect of the organization your photo essay portrays. Tell us why you chose this particular organization and describe the impact the work had on you and the organization. You may include how your work has helped the non-profit and/or the larger community (i.e. raise awareness, funding, etc.).
PhotoPhilanthropy is interested in how your work is being used by you and/or the non-profit to effect positive social change. Please describe how this work is currently being used and how you will continue to promote and distribute it (i.e. website, printed materials, exhibitions, books, in the press, etc. Please include links.
This written statement will be published on the PhotoPhilanthropy website along with your photo essay. Please note that PhotoPhilanthropy reserves the right to edit all material posted to our site.



PhotoPhilanthropy is looking for photo essays that visually articulate the mission of a non-profit organization in a compelling manner. In order to be considered for acceptance to the PhotoPhilanthropy Activist Awards, all submissions will initially be reviewed for content and quality of imagery. PhotoPhilanthropy reserves the right to refuse any entry based on quality or content.
Once accepted, professional, amateur and student entries will be judged in two rounds. First, members of PhotoPhilanthropy and its advisors will review the essays and select the strongest to continue to a second round. In the second round, a panel of independent judges will review eligible entries and select the winners based upon the following criteria:
Innovative and compelling story telling
Relevance in portraying the issues addressed by the organization
Visual Impact (composition, emotional impact)
Technical execution (focus, exposure)
The winners will be announced in January, 2013.

Photographic Requirements

Photographs must be in digital format and only those submitted using the submission form provided on the PhotoPhilanthropy website will be accepted.
No print or film submissions will be accepted; scans of negatives, transparencies, or photographic prints are acceptable.  All images must be uploaded through our online submissions form.
Files must be in jpeg format and fit to exactly 1000 pixels on their longest side, at a resolution of 72 dpi. No file size should be more than 2MB. Each image must be submitted as a separate file (no Powerpoint or iPhoto presentations). Please save images as RGB, ICC profile Adobe RGB (1998) or Grayscale. File name should be under 32 characters and contain no special characters (i.e. `.,!@#$%^&*). Please be sure there is not a firewall to prevent uploading images.
*If your images are an unconventional shape, please write to Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript for special uploading instructions.
Only minimally enhanced photographs are eligible for submission. Minor color correction is acceptable, as is cropping. High dynamic range images (HDRI) and stitched panoramas are acceptable only if the combined parts were all made at approximately the same time. Any other changes to the original photograph are not acceptable and will render the photo essay ineligible for a prize.
Copywriting of photography is encouraged: watermarking of photography is discouraged.
Every photo essay submitted must be comprised of photos that have been created exclusively by the entrant submitting the photo essay.

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