Foam Talent Call 2012


Дедлайн: 16 апреля 2012
Foam Magazine приглашает фотографов к участию в ежегодном отборе молодых талантов. Каждый год Foam публикует работы 15 талантливых фотографов, что яляется трамплином в сфере интернациональной фотографии для этих художников, предоставляя им международное признание и известность.
К участию приглащены фотографы от 18 до 35 лет.
Участие в конкурсе платное.


The Foam annual Talent Call is designed to showcase exceptional young photographers from all over the world. Every year, Foam Magazine dedicates its Fall issue to publishing the work of 15 selected talents. It is a springboard into the international photography industry for these artists, giving them international recognition and acclaim. Last year the winning portfolios were chosen from over 800 submissions worldwide. We look forward to seeing what 2012 has to offer!


You can submit your work by clicking on the link to the right, or via our Facebook page (

Submission requirements
- You are a photographer between 18 and 35 years old. (see appendix at base)
- Submission opens on the 30th January and closes on the 16th April 2012.
-To handle and organize the amount of entries we ask for a submission fee of €35.

Requested Information and Series of Work:
- Prepare two projects/series of work with at least 8 digital low-resolution images per project, but no more than 20 images in total (Please note: a selection of random photos will not be considered).
- All images should be in JPEG format.
- Include a brief description (maximum one A4) of the projects/series in a Word document.
- Include an abridged CV in a Word document.
- Please make sure that all requested information and images are compressed into ONE ZIPFILE, named in this order: first name_surname.
- IMPORTANT: If it is not submitted in this format we will not take the application into consideration.

Selection Procedure
- The editorial team of Foam Magazine will judge the submitted work.
- The selection process will last until end of May. Please do not contact us to see whether you have been selected before this date.
- We receive hundreds of submissions so unfortunately only successful candidates will be notified.
- Foam Magazine #32/Talent will be published in mid-September 2012.
- If you have any questions concerning Talent Call 2012 which haven't been answered here, please mail us at: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript

To submit for Foam Magazine's Talent issue a photographer needs to be under the age of 35 years. The editorial team has decided upon this age limit for several reasons. The main aim for the editorial team is to have an annual overview of the work of young artists. This work might indicate developments, trends and themes that are of importance to a new generation of artists - a generation that in due time probably will have an impact on the developments within the photographical field as a whole. For this reason, we think an age limit of 35 years old is justifiable. By that time artists have finished their education long enough to have left the academy behind them and have developed a visual language of their own. At the same time, they are still young enough to further develop themselves, find their way in the photographical field and perhaps be influential for a substantial period. Having said this, there is a difference between 'being talented' and 'being a talent'. Being talented isn't really related to age. Irving Penn was still very talented at a very old age. Being a talent normally describes someone of a young age who has outstanding skills or abilities compared to a person of roughly the same age. In Foam Magazine we always pay attention to the work of truly talented photographers, but in our annual talent issue we present the work of artists we consider true talents.​​

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