Home Фотографам World Report Award 2015: Documenting Humanity

World Report Award 2015: Documenting Humanity

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Дедлайн: 18 мая 2015

Фестиваль Этической Фотографии в Лоди (The Festival of Ethical Photography of Lodi, Италия) представляет пятую премию World Report Award.

Фестиваль создан на добровольных началах и славится качеством своих выставок и участием фотографов с мировым именем. Его цель: представить фотоконтент, имеющий важное моральное и нравственное значение для общества, а также показать нюансы взаимосвязи фотографии, этики и коммуникации. Для фестиваля фотожурналистика - прежде всего жанр историй, которые заставляют задуматься (даже если примеры такой фотожурналистики всё сложнее увидеть в СМИ).

Премия World Report Award открыта для любителей и профессионалов, для всех, кто создает документальные и социальные фоторепортажи. Организаторы поощряют фотоработы, которые сфокусированы на человеке, социальных и культурных историях любой значимости: от больших трагедий до будничных рассказов об изменениях или их отсутствии.

Требуются истории, рассказанные через убедительные образы, подходящие под определение “социальный репортаж”. Фестиваль поддерживает фотографов, работающих в этом жанре.  

Премия состоит из трех категорий:

  • Master Award: для всех фотографов без ограничений. Репортажи должны состоять не менее чем из 20 и не более чем из 40 изображений. Награда: 6000 евро.

  • Spot Light Award: для фотографов, которые до 1 апреля 2015 не получали следующих наград - World Press Photo, W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography, Pulitzer Prize, POYi Picture of the Year and World.Report Award (за исключением категории multimedia). Участники этой сессии так же могут претендовать на  Master Award. Награда: 3000 евро.

  • Short Story Award: для всех фотографов без ограничений. Короткие репортажи должны состоять не менее чем из 5 и не более чем из 10 изображений. Награда: 1000 евро и Nikon D610.

Помимо трех наград, по решению жюри и при согласии фотографа, работы могут войти в официальную программу фестиваля.

Правила премии

Проекты участников должны быть в жанрах социальной или документальной фотожурналистики (social photojournalism и/или documentaristic): это истории людей, событий в обществе, изменений человечества.

Участие может быть только индивидуальным. Количество работ от одного участника не ограничивается.

Работы подаются через форму на сайте www.festivaldellafotografiaetica.it За один поданный проект предстоит оплатить взнос 10 евро (PayPal или кредитная карта). Эта сумма пойдет на развитие фестиваля. Работы будут приняты на конкурс только после подтверждения оплаты по эл. почте.

Репортажи могут быть как цветными, так и черно-белыми. Жюри оценит способность фотографа выстроить захватывающую и эмоциональную историю. Обработка (Post-production) допускается, если ничего не добавляется или не удаляется из исходного RAW-файла. Обрезка изображений (Image cropping) разрешена. Какие-то иные манипуляции с кадрами не будут приняты.

На сайт можно загружать проекты в формате .zip, .rar or .7z весом не более 25MB.

В каждую категорию премии нужно подавать отдельный архив. Имя фотографа и контакты не должны указываться в названиях файлов, но должны быть заполнены в форме подачи работ (application form).

Победителям понадобится до 20 июня 2015 представить исходники работ (RAW-файлы или негативы). Для участия в выставке до 1 июля 2015 так же понадобится предоставить файлы высокого разрешения.  

Победителям представится возможность присутствовать на церемонии награждения, которая состоится в октябре 2015 в Лоди (Италия). Организация покроет все транспортные расходы и расходы на проживание. В случае, если фотограф не приедет на церемонию, все расходы, которые организация понесла на перелет, резервирование отеля будут вычтены из суммы приза.

С более подробными требованиями к содержанию архивов ознакомьтесь в полной версии пресс-релиза и на официальном сайте конкурса. Участие в конкурсе означает согласие с его правилами.

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Оригинальный пресс-релиз:

World Report Award 2015 | Documenting Humanity

The Festival of Ethical Photography of Lodi is pleased to present the fifth edition of the World.Report Award.

The Festival of Ethical Photography was created and is managed purely on voluntary basis. Its purpose is to bring the general public close to ethically significant contents using photography as communication and knowledge means, and to offer different nuances of the fine relationship between ethics, communication and photography. The Festival has come to the attention of the public thanks to the quality of the exhibitions and the participation of worldwide known photographers present in previous editions. The Festival wants to be at the service of photojournalism, of the kind of photography that tells stories, that makes you think and that, especially in Italy, is more and more difficult to be seen in the media.

The World.Report Award aims at a new form of social commitment through photography. The award is open to both professional and amateur photographers from all over the world whose work focuses on social and documentary reportages. The award will give attention to works focusing on people and their social and cultural stories; public or private, minor or crucial, big human tragedies or petty daily stories, changes and immutability.

The story the photographer will be able to tell through compelling images that entail the definition of ‘social reportage’ will be the core of the jury’s key to interpretation.

The World.Report Award 2015 is divided in three sessions:

  • Master Award: This section is open to all photographers, with no restriction of any kind. Reportages must consist of min 20 and max 40 images. The prize will be of 6,000 Euros.

  • Spot Light Award: This section is open to all photographers who did not receive one of the following awards before the 1st of April 2015: World Press Photo, W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography, Pulitzer Prize, POYi Picture of the Year and World.Report Award, with exception for the multimedia category. Reportages must consist of min 20 and max 40 images. The photographers, who apply to this session, can also apply to the Master Award session. The prize will be of 3,000 Euros.

  • Short Story Award: This section is open to all photographers, with no restriction of any kind. Reportages must consist of min 5 and max 10 images. The prize will be of 1,000 Euros and a Nikon D610 (body only).


On top of the three awards, and if the jury, at its own discretion, believes that some works are worth it, the jury itself will propose the works to the organization of the Festival, if coherent with the theme of the Festival 2015, to have it included in the official programme of the Festival.  The jury will first ask the photographer.


The awards are intended to sustain photographers who care about this kind of photography that brings to the attention of the public stories related to men and that often are not paid properly. All the awarded works will take part to the Festival of Ethical Photography in Lodi 2015 (Italy) with three exhibitions.



The projects submitted must be in the field of social photojournalism and/or documentaristic: the stories of men, the events of society and the changes of humanity.

The participation is open to all photographers with no limits. Every photographer can submit as many works as he/she likes. Applicants must apply as individuals — collaborations are not permitted. To submit the reportage the official form available on www.festivaldellafotografiaetica.it must be used. A total of 10 Euros per project must be paid through PayPal or credit card. This payment must be done as a contribution to the activities of the Festival. Submission is considered valid only after receiving payment proof via e-mail.

Reportages can either be in color or black&white, and will have to form a focused and meaningful story. The assessment of the jury will award the ability of the photographer to build a narrative and emotional story with a compelling series of images. Post-production is allowed as long as nothing is added or removed to and from the original RAW file. Image cropping is allowed. Any other kind of manipulation of the images will not be accepted.


All the files needed to submit a project must be sent in a unique compressed archive in .zip, .rar or .7z format with maximum dimension of 25MB. Heavier archives or archives in a different format will not be uploaded by the system. The archive will have to include:


  • The images in digital format saved as .jpg with sized to shortest dimension at no more than 1,280 pixels and 72dpi with a compression degree of 10/12 or 90/100. The recommended dimension is max 500 kb per picture. Please note; the image files must be named with the title of the project and a consecutive two digit number.  (e.g.amazon_01, amazon_02…).

  • A text file in .doc, .rtf, or .pdf file that includes captions with a maximum of 150 characters for each picture. The captions must be numbered in the same order as the pictures. A thumbnail of the picture is required.

  • A second text file in .doc, .rtf or .pdf that will include the presentation of the project with a maximum length of 3,000 characters, the title of the project, the place and the period of time in which the project was made. Also to be included are the indications on how to read the project. The text can be in Italian, English or French.

  • To be able to successfully upload your work, the file .zip, .rar or 7z must have a max dimension of 25MB.


If you’d like to participate to categories that require a different editing (Master Award and Spot Light Award require from 20 to 40 pictures, while Short Story Award requires from 5 to 10 pictures), you’ll be asked to upload a different archive for each editing.


All the submissions containing the photographer’s name and/or contact information within the file name, caption field or metadata or on the project will be deemed ineligible with no possibility to claim back the participation costs. The photographer’s details must be written exclusively in the application form.


The winners will have to provide the organizers with the RAW files or the original negatives of the images that compose the reportage by the 20th of June 2015. The winners will be proclaimed only after the revision of these files. The RAW files or the original negatives are mandatory to be proclaimed the winner. In no case the jury will make any exception.

The images sent will have to be final as by no means it will be possible to further edit or replace them once the award has been granted. The exhibitions of the awarded projects will be presented during the Festival will respect the order given by the numbering in which the images have been submitted.


The submission must happen before 23:59 CET of the18th of May 2015.

The awarded photographers will make sure to give, within the 1st of July 2015, the images in high resolution that will enable the jury to make a print of 40x60 cm to make the exhibition.


The jury will choose reportage for each category and grant the photographers their relative awards within the 30thof June 2016. The winners shall grant their presence at the award giving ceremony that will take place in October 2015 during the Festival of Ethical Photography in Lodi (Italy). The organization will cover all the travelling and accommodation costs. Should the photographers not attend the ceremony after first committing to it, all the costs already paid for by the organization will be deducted from the prize total i.e. flight, hotel reservation etc...

The composition of the jury will be communicated soon, and surely within the terms of participation to the award.
The photographer grants the use of the images of the awarded reportage for the creation of an exhibition that will be shown during the Festival of Ethical Photography 2015.

The exhibition will be printed by 10b Photography in Rome, (www.10bphotography.com).The prints will be returned to the photographer by post and the costs will be covered by the recipient.

For future exhibitions the photographer will commit to name the Festival of Ethical Photography of Lodi as producers of the exhibition within the World.Report Award.

At the end of the Festival, the exhibition granted the Master Award category will be returned to its photographer. The exhibition winner of the Spot Light Award and Short Story category can be displayed in other location up and until the 26th of October 2016 only with the purpose to promote the photographer, the project, the Festival, and the Award upon decision of the Festival.


The organizers reserve the right of using the images of the awarded reportage for promotion of future editions of the Festivals. The Festival will always note the credits of the photographer. All rights will remain to the photographer.

The recipient of the award will be notified on the 13th of September 2015 at 20:00 CET by e-mail and on the Festival website www.festivaldellafotografiaetica.it.

The participant declares to be the author of the images presented, to own the rights of it and to be authorized to use all images by the people eventually present in it. The participant takes full responsibility of using the pictures sent to the award.

For further information: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


The participation to the award implies that all the World. Report Award application requirements and submission guidelines have been fully read, understood and accepted.

The organization declines any responsibility for damages to persons and things not directly caused by the activity of the award.


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