Премия “Canon ProfiFoto Award”для профессиональных молодых фотографов


Снимок экрана 2014-06-15 в 10.08.08

Дедлайн: 7 июля 2014 

Премия дает возможность вдохнуть жизнь в идеи молодых авторов. Два раза в год участники получают шанс выиграть 10 000 евро. Премия поддерживает проекты на любой стадии реализации, это могут быть диссертации, курсовые работы или внештатное исследование. Конкурс открыт для тех, кто уже окончил или находится на стадии окончания своего обучения в области фото, дизайна или же работает по специальности или в смежной профессии. Максимальный возраст подающего заявку составляет 30 лет. 

Участие в конкурсе бесплтаное. 

The “Canon ProfiFoto Award” enables young photographers to breathe life into their ideas. Twice a year, the winners of the ongoing competition get the chance to pick prices of their choice from Canon with a total amount of 10.000 Euro. The other cooperation partners of this competition are the picture agency Laif and Whitewall.

Entry conditions:

The “Canon ProfiFoto Award” supports photography projects which still have to be implemented, extended or finished, for example, dissertations, term papers or freelance work. The competition is open to all who have finished or are about to finish their training in photography or photo design and who are professional photographers or work in related professions. The maximum age for entrants is 30 years. The “Canon ProfiFoto Award” is presented twice a year by an independent specialist jury whose decision is final. There is no right of appeal. Samples of the applicants’ work will be published in an online gallery under www.canon-profifoto-foerderpreis.de and will be visible to the public as a showcase for young professional photographers. The concepts behind this work will only be available to the jury, and will be treated in strict confidence.
The closing date for the 2014/2 competition is midnight on 7th july 2014.
Applicants for the “Canon ProfiFoto Award” must hold all rights to the images submitted. The organisers reserve the right to reject submissions which violate moral or ethical standards. By registering online for the competition, the entrant confirms that he/she is the sole author of the concept submitted for the “Canon ProfiFoto Award”, that he/she may freely dispose of the work submitted and the rights of use associated with it, and that the images are not encumbered by third-party rights.
The concepts and the works associated with them may be used for the “Canon ProfiFoto Award” and for journalistic analysis. The organisers are entitled to exhibit the concepts chosen by the jury for this purpose along with the works realised with the assistance of the award, and to publish these as part of the journalistic analysis of the “Canon ProfiFoto Award”.
The organisers will retain a complete series of original photographs from the project implemented in connection with the award for their archives and for exhibition purposes.
Entrants are not entitled to claim utilisation fees for the use and journalistic analysis of photographic concepts realised in connection with the “Canon ProfiFoto Award”.

How to apply

Applications for the award may only be submitted online on this website. Documents required:
An informal project description or concept (not more than 3,000 characters)
Five to max. 10 photographs as samples of work (format: JPEG, max. 1,024 KB, max. 2,048 pixels wide, only RGB colour space)
Entrants may only submit the concept for one photography project in each round of the competition. The award-winning photography projects must be realised within eight weeks of obtaining the equipment and/or photo material. Exceptions may only be made in agreement with the organisers.
Applications can be made by registering in the “Canon ProfiFoto Award” gallery.
Got all your documents? Submit your application now!

Официальная страница конкурса: http://www.profifoto.de/canon-profifoto-foerderpreis/entry-conditions/
Источник: http://fotodepartament.ru/?page_id=322

Tags: july