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Дедлайн: 24 июля 2015

BLANK SPACE проводит необычный конкурс для дизайнеров, архитекторов и специалистов смежных профессий, с призовым фондом $3000. В разрезе архитектуры конкурс исследует один из основных коммуникационных инструментов всех времен: простое письмо. Для участия создайте письмо (не более чем на 500 слов), посвященное архитектуре как концепции (as a concept), социальной практике (as a social practice) и сообществу (as a community).

Письмо должно начинаться со слов "DEAR ARCHITECTURE" и быть в формате .doc

Используйте эту возможность, чтобы выразить свой взгляд на будущее архитектуры, свою любовь к ней, ненависть или нейтральное отношение. Поздравьте архитектуру за ее достижения или критикуйте за то, чем она стала.

Послание нужно сопроводить иллюстрацией, требования к ней:


1 приз: $1500 USD

2 приз: $1000 USD

3 приз: $500 USD

Объявляя конкурс, организаторы хотят начать дискуссию вокруг универсальных вопросов: как мы формируем наш мир своими действиями? и как наши действия формируют наш мир?  

Обширная подборка лучших работ будет опубликована в третьем издании Blank Space, зимой 2015. Книги Blank Space продаются в музеях и книжных магазинах по всему миру (среди них: The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), NAi Booksellers, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MoCA).

Помимо этого, о победителях узнает множество людей благодаря медиа-партнерам, среди которых влиятельные издания Archinect, Bustler и Archdaily.

Написание письма - это упражнение в точности, в то же время, письмо может обладать разрушительной силой. В истории есть примеры, когда хорошо подготовленные открытые письма становились поводом для революций и источником распространения инновационных изменений или идей, меняющих правила игры.

Matthew Hoffman и Francesca Giuliani, основатели BLANK SPACE, говорят, что заинтересованы в применении подобной логики для архитектуры. Письмо может послужить источником размышлений о роли зодчества в обществе и начать диалог о его ответственности и миссии.

Работы конкурса рассмотрят признанные авторитеты в области архитектуры, дизайна, искусства, сторителлинга.

В жюри:

- Beatrice Galilee (куратор, Metropolitan Museum of Art),

- Fernando Romero (основатель, FR-EE),

- Daniel Arsham & Alex Mustonen (Cofounders, Snarkitecture),

- Elena Manferdini (директор, Atelier Manferdini),

- Natasha Jen (Partner, Pentagram),

- Hani Rashid (основатель, Asymptote Architecture),

- Alexander Walter (шеф-редактор, Bustler),

- David Basulto (основатель и шеф-редактор, Archdaily),

- Becky Quintal (исполнительный редактор, Archdaily),

- Kelsey Keith (шеф-редактор, Curbed),

- Diana Balmori (основатель, Balmori Associates Inc.),

- Adam Hostetler (основатель, Urban Nomad Architecture Lab),

- David Celento (основатель, DigifabLab),

- Rebecca Henn (профессор архитектуры, The Pennsylvania State University),

- Matthew Hoffman & Francesca Giuliani (основатели, Blank Space)

Для участия в конкурсе необходимо перейти на сайт www.blankspaceproject.com    

Регистрационный взнос:

$30 - ранняя регистрация в период до 27 мая.

$40 - стандартная регистрация  в период до 24 июня

$50 - поздняя регистрация  в период до 24 июля, 2015.

Результаты объявят в августе 2015.


Оригинал пресс-релиза:



(NEW YORK, NY — May 12, 2015) — Blank Space is excited to launch “Dear Architecture”, a competition that explores one of the most important communication tools of all time - the simple letter.

After the great success of the Fairy Tales competition, which in the course of two years drew over 1,500 participants from 65 different countries, the New York-based “office for thought provocation” is challenging architecture to communicate itself to the world in a new format, one that has influenced the life of mankind for centuries, and one that electronic means of communication have almost caused to go extinct as a social practice.

“Letter-writing is an exercise in exactitude, and a potentially disruptive activity. Historically, well worded open letters were responsible for revolutions and for the circulation of innovative, game changing ideas,” say Blank Space Founders Matthew Hoffman and Francesca Giuliani. “We are interested in applying this logic to architecture, and leverage the specific characteristics of letter-writing as a format to instigate passionate reflections on architecture's place in society, and start an open dialogue on its responsibility and mission.”

With $3,000 in prizes, “Dear Architecture” invites designers and design fans from around the world to address architecture, as a concept, as a social practice, and as a community, in no more than 500 words, and with an illustration as an auxiliary tool to convey the message. A large selection of the best entries will be published in Blank Space’s third publication, also called “Dear Architecture”, to be published in the Winter of 2015.

The entries will be reviewed by some of the most influential authorities in architecture, design, art, and storytelling. The jury includes Beatrice Galilee (Associate Curator of Architecture and Design, Metropolitan Museum of Art), Fernando Romero (Founder, FR-EE), Daniel Arsham & Alex Mustonen (Cofounders, Snarkitecture), Elena Manferdini (Principal, Atelier Manferdini), Natasha Jen (Partner, Pentagram), Hani Rashid (Founder, Asymptote Architecture), Alexander Walter (Editor in Chief, Bustler), David Basulto (Founder and Editor in Chief, Archdaily), Becky Quintal (Executive Editor, Archdaily), Kelsey Keith (Editor in Chief, Curbed), Diana Balmori (Founder, Balmori Associates Inc.), Adam Hostetler (Founder, Urban Nomad Architecture Lab), David Celento (Founder, DigifabLab), Rebecca Henn (Professor of Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University), Matthew Hoffman & Francesca Giuliani (Founders, Blank Space)

In addition to publication in the book, the winning entries will be brought to millions of design fans by the competition’s media partners, among which are some of the most influential design publications out there, including Archinect, Bustler and Archdaily.

“Let's take this opportunity to make demands of architecture, to keep it on its toes, to express wishes as to what its future should look like and what its concerns should be, to declare our love for it, our hate for it, our neutrality towards it. Let's use our words to congratulate architecture on its accomplishments, or criticize it for what it has become. Let's make our own commitments to it, and hold ourselves accountable to them in a public, written form.” says Francesca Giuliani.

“With "Dear Architecture," we wish to initiate a discussion on architecture that extends beyond the life of the competition, one that will grow larger and inclusive, revolving around universal questions such as "How do we shape our world through our actions?" and "How do our actions shape our world?” continues Matthew Hoffman.   

Interested participants can register for a special $30 Early Bird Discount until Wednesday, May 27. Following that, Regular Registration ($40) will be open until June 24, and Late Registration ($50) until the Submission Deadline on July 24, 2015.

To register for “Dear Architecture” and for more detailed information, please visit: www.blankspaceproject.com

Find Twitter content by tracking the hashtag #DearArchitecture



Blank Space is an online platform for architecture, founded in 2013 by Matthew Hoffman and Francesca Giuliani. Matthew is an architect who believes architecture can be more interesting, more fun and more social. Francesca is a journalist who believes that communication is omnipresent, and that good communication helps great ideas change the world. Through competitions, publications, and projects, we uncover the true power of architecture by creating new opportunities for design to engage the public.

We like to think of Blank Space as an office for thought provocation, challenging architecture to rethink its role in society by speaking about things everybody can relate to, in a language understandable to all.



EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: Until May 27, 2015 ($30 USD)

REGULAR REGISTRATION: Until June 24, 2015 ($40 USD)

LATE REGISTRATION: Until Submission Deadline ($50 USD)





1ST PRIZE: $1500 USD

2ND PRIZE: $1000 USD


HONORABLE MENTIONS: The jury will select up to 10 honorable mentions. Honorable mentions will be featured in "Dear Architecture", to be published in the winter of 2015.

MEDIA COVERAGE: Winners of the competition will be shared, tweeted, liked, and viewed by design fans around the world. We have partnerships with the most influential architecture and design websites: Archdaily, Bustler and Archinect, who will share the winning entries with their millions of fans. Previous winners have been featured in Fast Company, Architect Magazine, Domus, Design Milk, Inhabitat and Vice.

DEAR ARCHITECTURE - THE BOOK: The life of the submissions doesn't stop at the conclusion of the competition. Following the competition, Blank Space will publish its third book, "Dear Architecture," with a large selection of entries to the competition. All winners, honorable mentions, and other notable entries will be included in the book. Blank Space's publications are sold at museums and bookstores around the world including The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), NAi Booksellers, and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MoCA).

Tags: july

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