Home Художникам Конкурс для дизайнеров от Amdocs

Конкурс для дизайнеров от Amdocs

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Дедлаин регистрации: 15 Декабря 2011
Дедлаин подачи работ: 26 Января 2012

Организатора конкурса Amdocs, мировой производитель ПО для телекоммуникационной индустрии, обращаются к молодым дизайнерам и художникам с призывом : Can you design an amazing vision for Convergence? В данном случае процесс конвергенции - это объединение нескольких, бывших ранее раздельными, услуг в рамках одной услуги. Например, Triple Play — объединение телефонии, интернета, телевидения в одном кабельном интернет-подключении.  Люди взаимодействуют в twitter, в Google Circles на Facebook, это становится возможным благодаря совместной работе сетей и средств связи. Если у вас есть идеи по визуальной реализации такого процесса – дерзайте! Конкурс бесплатный и призы отличные. За первое место: 5000 долларов, за второе - MacBook Pro , за третье - iPad2.


What is the Art of Convergence?In the real-world and online, Convergence is all around us. We converge in conferences, tweetups, Google Circles and flash mobs. We converge in protests, music concerts and Facebook groups. A lot of this happens because of the networks and communication systems that provide us consistent, persistent connectivity.
In telecommunications, Convergence is known as the business and technological principle that brings together multiple systems, networks, processes and organizations in order to enable, ultimately, a better experience for the customers of telecommunication service providers. Amdocs is a leading global provider of software and services for the world’s largest communications service providers, such as Vodafone, BT and T-Mobile, who use them to converge their business and network systems and operations. Amdocs has decided to augment its customer communications by harnessing the aesthetic appeal of the Convergence Principle. Amdocs seeks to embed, in its commercial and marketing communications, instances of works of visual art in which that principle is most creatively manifest. Hence the Art of Convergence competition!
This competition calls upon young and upstart designers, in various disciplines, to create a compelling, cool or otherwise stunning visual interpretation of the convergence of individuals or communities through communications. If you have such an original vision of Convergence and the ability to design it, Enter the competition for a chance to win exceptional prizes and gain valuable exposure and recognition.

Why Register?

Great Exposure OpportunitiesThe competition will be heavily promoted by the sponsor, Amdocs, with extra exposure offered to a selection of the submitted design works including the prize winners. You could be exposed via:
Online galleryPress release announcementsLive gallery and eventAmazing Prizes!We have amazing prizes in stock for competition winners, like a smashing $5,000 cash prize for the top spot, a shiny new MacBook Pro for the runner-up, and an iPad2 for 3rd place!

How it Works

The Art of Convergence is a juried, two-phased design competition.

Competition Phase IDuring the first phase, entrants are asked to submit, in accordance with the competition schedule, design artworks that represent their original interpretation of the concept of Convergence of individuals and communities via communication networks.

At the conclusion of this phase, following the submission deadline, A ‘shortlisting’ committee will select 50 artworks from all submissions and notify all entrants of the selection.
Competition Phase IIDuring this phase, the 50 ‘shortlisted’ artworks will be presented in an online gallery for viewing and rating by the public audience. The gallery will be commercially promoted by Amdocs.
An expert judge panel will then select the top ten artworks. The judge panel shall have 100% decision weight in determining the top three prize winners. The designers of these works shall be awarded prizes in accordance with the rules.
In addition, a list of ‘Top 10′ Art of Convergence artworks shall be created at the discretion of the competition’s extended running committee, which will be informed by judge panel selections as well as visitor ratings as recorded on the gallery website.These select “Top 10″ designers may receive recognition and exposure in additional activities run by Amdocs following the conclusion of the competition.

Expert Judging Panel

Winners of The Art of Convergence design competition will be selected by an expert judging panel comprising highly regarded professionals within the international design art commercial design communities, as well as a high ranking executive of Amdocs, the competition’s sponsor.

Официальный сайт конкуса: http://theartofconvergence.com/


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