2012 Taiwan International Design Competition



Дедлайн: 15 июня 2012г.

В 11-ый стартовал раз ежегодный международный проект для дизайнеров - The Taiwan International Design Competition. В этом году тема конкурса звучит, как "Максиминимализация" ("Maximinimization"). Участникам необходимо по средствам минимальных ресурсов создать максимально содержательный и выразительный проект.
Работы принимаются в следующих категориях: 
Product Design, Packaging Design, Visual Communication Design, Digital Multimedia Design.
Приз за первое место - $15,000, за второе - $6,000, за третье - $3,000.
Участие в конкурсе бесплатное.


Design is a kind of magic from the heart of the designers. Observing the subtle psyche of consumers, and giving expression to their needs in products – such is what design is! Designer brings an enormous amount of creativity with carefulness. This is just like people from the Orient who use the smallest seal to make their greatest commitment with their heart. Likewise, simple and easy steps are employed to complete a complex and difficult operation, employing minimum resources to create maximum effect.


Designers; teachers or students of design related departments or schools; people interested in design. (With no restrictions on nationality and age)
*Participants can join the competition as individuals or in teams. There is no limit on the number of entries.

Официальная страница конкурса:http://tidc.boco.com.tw/2012/en_page03-2-2.html

Tags: june